Childhood Development Program
One of our primary program is "Education for All" to provide free of cost national standard education to the under-privileged children from the disadvantaged families. Being the crux of all possible adversity, low literacy looms the bottleneck in comprehensive development, democratization of the society with consequence of – acute poverty, intense illiteracy, ill health, unemployment and civic inertia. Such view of illiteracy, specially among the children, lead us to an initial plan of establishing primary schools in remote country area as a first step of promoting the idea of EFA (Education for All). Revolutionized high schooling system with computer literacy, Continue Higher Education and other upgraded visions are also part of this plan.
Two parallel approaches have been followed for the elementary children. Depending on the geography, and demography, it could be a i) Kindergarten, or ii) Maktabs, in collaboration with existing Kindergarten/Madrasas. Serve The People has presently 7 Kindergarten and Maktabs spread in the remote nooks and corners of Bangladesh that provide free of cost schooling to 800 underprivileged children. STP continues in furnishing each facility with libraries, study rooms, sanitized buildings, books and expansion of great teachers’ etc. over time with the availability of required financial support.